It is that time of year! Sweaters, pumpkins, a chill in the air and YES...time for high school seniors to submit their yearbook photos!
We photograph seniors and love the process. Just as every senior is different, every senior session is also unique. It's always the goal to have the images reflect the student's personality. Last night, I met with this Wells High School senior for her portrait session. I photographed her many years ago, perhaps when she was in 5th or 6th grade. How fun to see the fine young person she has become!
It's not too late for pictures! Some schools such as Portland High School, have yearbook deadlines this month. Cape Elizabeth High School, and others also have October deadlines. Wells, however, has a later deadline. So, there is still plenty of time to have studio portraits or even outdoor portraits created.
Hope to see you in front of my lens soon!